About Will O Wisp Bath & Body


Just a small-town girl living in a white squirrel world. Will O Wisp Bath & Body is based in Olney, Illinois. You guessed it! Home of the white squirrels. As a woman in her forties (yikes) with less than perfect skin, a ginger husband and two red-headed children, I am no stranger to skin irritation, sensitivities, unwanted skin reactions and skin care concerns. More sunscreen anyone?

I have always been cautious about the skincare products we use in our home. I know the frustration of attempting to live a healthier lifestyle while safety & ingredient standards become more and more a thing of the past and sustainability is abandoned for profit.

While I am very far from perfect, I like to put my energy (Which is admittedly limited. See age reference above.) into taking whatever small steps I can towards living a lifestyle that is more harmonious with our planet. It was with that mindset that Will O Wisp Bath & Body was born.

"We take pride in creating products that are free from parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, and phthalates, and packaging them in the most sustainable way possible."


Most of our raw materials are sourced from Illinois based companies or companies in the immediate surrounding states as a commitment to maintain the smallest carbon footprint possible. We strive to make products with raw materials that are...


Ethically, Responsibly and Locally Sourced

Sulfate Free

Phthalate Free

Paraben Free

Formaldehyde & Formaldehyde Donor Free

Petrochemical Free

Silicone Free


"Our commitment to sustainability, eco-friendly formulations, safe and skin-loving ingredients, cruelty-free practices, and gender-neutral packaging embodies our belief that self-care knows no boundaries."


Will O Wisp cosmetics are packaged in paperboard or glass containers when possible.

We strive to package our products in packaging that is...

Recycled and/or Recyclable




"Our mission is to blend the art of self-care with the science of skincare. We are dedicated to crafting high-end, high-quality soaps and cosmetics that not only elevate your daily rituals but also respect the well-being of both you and our planet."


Join us in embracing the future of skin care.

"Our vision is a world where clean, effective beauty is a universal right, and our mission is to make that vision a reality, one indulgent product at a time."